Catching Ideas | Paul Willemsen
"Catching Ideas" is een periodieke videoserie die zich richt op artiesten uit verschillende artistieke disciplines, waarin zij hun gedachten delen over creativiteit, inspiratie en hun relatie met het creatieve proces. De eerste aflevering in de serie draait om de in Amsterdam gevestigde artiest Paul Willemsen. Paul is muzikant/gitarist, componist en producer, en werkt samen met soul- en rhythm & blues-bands zoals Michelle David and The True-tones en Beans & Fatback.
"Catching Ideas" is a recurring video series focussing on artists from a variety of artistic disciplines that share their thoughts on creativity, inspiration and their relationship with the creative process. The first in the series features Amsterdam based artist Paul Willemsen. Paul is a musician/guitarist, composer and producer who works with soul/rhythm & blues bands such as Michelle David and the True-tones and Beans & Fatback.
Links to some of Paul’s work: Website | Insta | Beans & Fatback | Michelle David & The True-tones